
10 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Time At DMEXCO

Published by Appetite Creative

DMEXCO Digital Marketing Expo& Conference 2018 


1: Get the most out of your trip by filling your diary in advance 

DMEXCO is all about face time. Get your most important meetings fixed in your diary as soon as you can. People important to you will be important to everyone else, too, so get them booked before anyone else does! 

2: Plan what you want to say!

Meetings at DMEXCO usually last 30 minutes and once they’re done, you’ll already have someone shuffling behind you to have their turn.

3: Work the floor if need be

You tried your best but you just couldn’t fill your diary. So you’re going to have to suck it up and just hit the floor.  DMEXCO really focusses on meetings over talks and you must capitalize on cancellations by checking in at every booth you think you might be interested in. Write on the back of business cards you get a few notes you can remember better, who was for what.

4: Get to the after parties

DMEXCO is known for its competitive booth parties.  The biggest evening is always the first night and the biggest companies will always try their very best to outdo each other.

5: Don’t be late

Even if you tried your best to prove yourself as a party monster, and got the prize for drinking the most beer, please turn up on time to your meetings. Obviously you can try not booking them too early, but whatever time you have is the time you have.

6: Start networking en route
Take those headphones off and get your phone away from your nose while on your way. Local transport systems will be buzzing with likeminded people and you should be striking up conversations at every opportunity. But why not start at the airport? (the queues are long!)

7: Keep hydrated

A no-brainer really, but it is a busy place and there is a chance that you may have imbibed some delicious beer the night before, so make a point of looking after yourself and keeping up the water intake. Pick up a few bottles from the stands on your way around. Easy and practical!

8: Long live the Xing!
In Germany, you are nothing without Xing. Everyone uses the networking app so you should too!

9: Get on social media

Social media will be crazy for DMEXCO, so be on the bandwagon before it starts rolling off without you.

10: Be practical

It may seem silly but it’s a hectic place and we often forget the smaller things while thinking about what we are trying to achieve so:

  •  - Wear comfortable shoes – They may look cool in the morning but you won't look cool wincing with every step you take after 7 hours of walking about!
  •  - Take a portable charger – a phone with no battery isn’t just useless, it makes you look unprepared. And charge the charger!
  •  - Take some chewy with you, mints, even your toothbrush – You don’t want to be remembered as that person.
  •  - Take enough business cards, take too many even, just don’t run out!
  •  - Have fun, be smiley and happy, enjoy it!!


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