
Appetite Creative transforms Tetra Pak cartons into digital engagement tools for Emmi’s health campaign

Published by Appetite Creative

27 Oct 2021 --- Creative tech company Appetite Creative and Swiss dairy company Emmi are launching an augmented reality (AR)-enabled connectivity experience on Tetra Pak’s Tetra Stelo Aseptic 1000 carton packs, aiming to encourage healthy consumer lifestyles via its “good day” milk portfolio. 

Speaking with PackagingInsights, Appetite Creative highlights how connective packaging can drive up product sales and consumer-brand engagement. 

“One winner of the COVID-19 pandemic is the once-snubbed QR code, which is finally having its day in the sun. As lockdown restrictions begin to ease worldwide, there’s never been a better time for brands and manufacturers to consider smart packaging campaigns,” explains Appetite Creative’s managing director Jenny Stanley.

According to Innova Market Insights, 46% of global consumers are at least somewhat interested in AR packaging technology, just behind 54% keen on QR codes.

This [technology] presents “a huge opportunity ripe for advertisers,” in Stanley’s view. “The time is now to harness this powerful new media channel.”

Ongoing consumer engagement
In Emmi’s new campaign, consumers can scan the Tetra Pak carton with their smartphone camera to reveal an AR animation of the pack. Four interactive games allow users to playfully explore Emmi’s milk drinks Barista, High Protein or Milk Drink and their health benefits.

“There’s a misconception that not many consumers bother to scan QR codes and near-field communication on packaging. We actually see a 14% click-through rate (CTR), which is much higher than a digital advertising campaign – usually around 0.01% CTR,” Stanley notes.

An earlier digital promotional campaign spearheaded by Appetite Creative had over 35,000 users, 216,000 page views and an average time of almost two minutes engagement. “No other investment delivers this level of engagement for customers,” she adds.

Emmi initially employed Appetite Creative’s services in digital promotion campaigning for the launch of its new Oat & Milk Drink and Balance Drink products in September 2020.

During the four months the campaign was live, the games were played a total of 45,897 times for an average time of one minute and 41 seconds. 

“Packaging is extremely targeted marketing and connected packaging has a much longer shelf life versus other media channels,” says Stanley. “Most consumables are never decanted so packaging becomes part of the consumer’s ongoing engagement and experience with the product and the brand.”

Money talks
There are misconceptions around the financial implications of connected packaging, according to Stanley. 

“The average cost per digital advertising click is £1.50 (US$2.06), whereas a ‘click’ or scan on packaging is technically ‘free,’” she details, pointing out there is no limit to how often a customer can scan the QR code, nor how long a customer can engage with the connected experience. 

“Well-known brands we work with regularly see a 20% uplift in sales, which should give companies a very compelling reason to invest in and use connected packaging.” 

The mighty QR code
Appetite Creative works with media campaigns beyond just promotional campaigns and digital competitions. “These include tutorials or virtual product testing for beauty products, market research using questions and polls targeted directly at customers,” lists Stanley. 

Scannable tech can also prove useful for sharing product instructions, for example, how to take a medicine or how to use personal care products such as teeth whitening strips or face masks. 

“We have also been helping brands communicate their sustainability goals or programs through connected packaging, educating and involving the consumer in sustainability-focused campaigns.” 

Other purposes include sharing supply chain information, informing new product development, providing loyalty cards or redeeming sampling vouchers. “It’s an incredibly versatile media channel – as well as being agile, responsive and delivering customer data in real-time,” says Stanley.

Understanding consumer behavior
The different layers of data connected packaging can deliver to a brand helps build a unique and in-depth picture of consumer behavior. This insight can be “invaluable,” flags Stanley, assisting brands to predict sales, track product use, better understand their target audiences and reach them more efficiently to build valuable engagement. 

“All brands should want to understand and connect with their consumer more – this isn’t only a requirement for high value goods. It’s true across all brands, markets and the globe,” she highlights. 

“Branded packaging offers an entirely new media channel and is arguably the most powerful marketing asset for today’s ever-evolving digital age.”


Published by Packaginginsights.com


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