
Baggl's Bartering Marketplace Gives UK Businesses A Competitive Edge

Published by Appetite Creative

London, 22 April 2021 - baggl, the innovative business-to-business (B2B) online marketplace, today launched its first-ever marketing campaign encouraging businesses ‘not to be beaten by Covid-19’. With a refreshed website and captivating Covid-19 themed mobile app game ‘Virus Slayer’, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the marketplace which helps UK businesses boost revenue by bartering goods or services with larger brands. 

baggl has partnered with Appetite Creative to develop the attention-grabbing, retro-style mobile game. Mystery prizes, some of which were procured via baggl, are available for the top 10 ‘Virus Slayer’ scores. Each leaderboard winner will receive one of a selection of business-related prizes available until 17 May. 

Baggl in-app game developed and designed by Appetite Creative

Play the game here.

“As a start-up ourselves we understand first-hand the challenges businesses face during a less buoyant economy, which has been compounded further by Covid-19. Most businesses we deal with are keen to barter, whilst still getting their hands on some cash at the same time,” said Paul Grundy, CEO at baggl. “In the past, the combination of barter and cash transactions was complex, especially for SMEs and now baggl has simplified the whole process, overcoming limitations of barter due to what’s known as a ‘double coincidence of wants’, by implementing a blockchain ledger system for managing barter payments, combined with regular money.”

“This has allowed baggl to help put a number of businesses on TV as part of an advertising initiative supported by AdSmart from Sky, assist SMEs such as media tech business Rezonence secure office space in central London, and help Wine & Something sell stock to new customers during the lockdown. The possibilities and benefits of using baggl are infinite. If you can buy it or sell it, you can baggl-it. We’re on the brink of a new and exciting bartering era.” 

“We’re pleased to have brought this brilliant marketplace to life through a very topical and fun mobile game, which we hope will encourage lots of friendly competition. We even bartered and haggled ourselves over the cost of producing the game in collaboration with baggl,” said Jenny Stanley, Managing Director at Appetite Creative. “The refreshed website now clearly reflects the business values and benefits through an eye-catching simple-to-use and easy-to-understand interface. We hope this refreshed B2B marketing approach will deliver value for both baggl and its barter-friendly customers.” 

Helping UK businesses to stay ahead of the competition, the easy-to-navigate online barter site enables small businesses to find new customers, reduce cash expenditure and improve trading efficiency. Offering direct access to brands willing to accept barter as part or the whole payment, baggl ensures bartering is an efficient way for small businesses to sell products to companies who need them, but can’t always afford to pay 100% in cash. Transactions can include a combination of cash and barter trade credits, with members negotiating and haggling directly, via the secure and transparent B2B marketplace. 

Post Covid-19, many businesses are facing obstacles which include excess or unsold products and this can have an impact on cash flow. With baggl, they can trade excess inventory and services for items required, including tech skills, consumer and electrical goods, accommodation, hospitality, and events.


About baggl

Breaking down the barriers of trade, baggl enables businesses and freelancers to trade what they have or do, for whatever they need through a combination of barter and cash. 
Closing the gap between small businesses and much larger organisations when it comes to corporate trade, the B2B marketplace, is a place where big can meet small and vice versa. baggl enables negotiating and trading directly from business to business, in a safe, secure, and transparent environment. 


How baggl Works

The marketplace is easy to navigate and the transaction process is simple, it takes less than five minutes to sign up and create a listing. When the listing is created, a target price or budget is set, as well as the desired cash-vs-barter ratio. It’s free to use until a sale is made, and the user only trades or barters until the required trade is found. Members can communicate directly with one another, allowing for both parties to get the best possible deal.


Benefits of baggl

- Unlock Potential Value: Release value in slow-moving or excess stock, rather than sitting around collecting dust and tying up funds.

- Reduce Spare Capacity: Trade spare capacity or under-utilised skills, services, and expertise, with a cash contribution towards fixed costs.

- Entice New Customers: Attract new customers by accepting a combination of cash and trade credits e.g. 40% Cash + 60% Trade Credits (barter).

- Reduce Cash Expenditure: Reduce cash expenditure and use barter to buy the products and services needed for your business or project.


Check out baggl's new website here.


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