
Femme Niche 2019 Madrid

Published by Appetite Creative

Femme Niche 2019 Madrid

We promised you another great event, and we delivered.

After the soaring success of the inspiring 2018 September Dubai event, Femme Niche had a lot to live up to. So we swapped the delights of the Middle East for the gloriousness of Madrid, and here’s what we did…

Taking place in Aveda’s luxurious Madrid Salon, we hosted 60 guests for an evening of empowerment, ambition, open-mindedness, and innovation, (and a free book giveaway!). Women from all parts of the globe and all walks of life came to speak and shed light on how they have smashed every barrier that dared to get in their way. Translated live into our international guests’ earpieces, Femme Niche showed an international audience, once again, how much this means to us.

Nicole Yershon, writer of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption into Advantage in Business and Life”,  struck a chord when reminding us how important it is to focus on our strengths. She told us to challenge the thought process of fixating on our weaknesses and instead, really excel with what we are good at. She also spoke of the connection between curiosity and creativity, saying that curious people should be allowed to be creative, rather than so often being labeled as disruptive or troublesome.

Silvia Leal, a true international expert, regarded as one of the ten most influential female experts in Spain, noted for her regular appearances, and upcoming television series, also captivated us all, albeit it rather frighteningly… She spoke of modern and future technology and put it in simple, understandable language. Intertwined with a brilliant explanation about how and why the Japanese fell in love with waiter robots, she also told us that 47% of businesses that exist today will have disappeared by the end of the next decade… 

But doom and gloom it was not! She spoke with profundity of the many jobs that would be created as we evolve digitally.

Our panel, hosted by Appetite Creative Founder and MD Jenny Stanley, swiftly switched from Spanish to English questions for the multinational Panel. We looked at the theme of "Don't be Afraid of Disruption" where Nicole and Silvia joined us with Ludi Garcia MD of Tech PR communications agency Hotwire and recently named Judge for the SEMA awards. Ludi reminded us it is disruptive for women having reached my professional goals while having a family in a sector where companies are mainly managed by men. We also had our only male speaker for the evening to throw a different view on the subject - Rafael Martinez Head of Programmatic for Ament, he spoke on his view on the most interesting disruptive companies and what makes a good leader in this disruptive age. "We live in a business of real people, and we need emotional intelligence, to connect with them and to get them to help you to achieve your goals."

Topped off with some fabulous spanish Jamon, cheese and vino we couldn't have asked for a more invigorating set of speakers, accomodating venue or fabulous audience who had many thought provoking questions.

We would like to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, all of those who came, all of our speakers, our sponsors, and everybody who is reading this right now. Thank you for helping us do what we do.


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