
FemmeNiche Dubai 2018 September Event

Published by Appetite Creative

FemmeNiche Dubai 2018 September Event

What a night it turned out to be for all those who attended the FemmeNiche Dubai
2018 September event.

At the stunning Aveda Terrace, we were treated to an invigorating, confidence
inspiring, prejudice-free evening by an inspiring group of ambitious, innovative, open-
minded women who all have the same goal, to smash through the glass ceiling on the
way to the stars.

Maria Conceicao, a true modern-day hero, with a list of achievements that includes
climbing the seven peaks, holding not one but eight Guinness World Records as well as
trekking to the North Pole, all in the name of helping to educate the children of
Bangladesh, gave us a truly breath-taking insight into her world, her mind, and her
enormous heart. As emotional as it was inspiring, Maria took us on a journey that truly
made us look at ourselves and left us with no doubt as to why she has received so
many awards for her humanitarian work.

Nada from Elevated Vibrations spoke to us about her self-mastery programs in which
she uses spiritual guidance and energy healing to take control of who we are and
embrace our real selves. Nada gave us a talk about the power of the womb and how
we can use that to improve ourselves, to love ourselves and accept ourselves more as
she took us through a small taster workshop.

As we moved onto our panel section, we were joined by the invigorating Sarah Malik, a
wonderful take on the “Know Your Place” where we put a wonderful twist on it. We
know our place very well, but it's not where some people think it is ;)

Sincere thanks are due to our many sponsors and all those who attended. Not to
mention the fantastic canopies and drink on tap, Aveda hair care vouchers and free
workshops sessions for every attendee too! Another successful evening from
Femmeniche and we couldn't be more grateful for it.

Be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming Madrid event in January!

Please get in touch if you want to get involved with jennifer@appetitecreative.com


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