
Helpful Links for Businesses During COVID-19

Published by Appetite Creative

Updated on October 27th 2020

Yes, we are all experiencing the impacts of this serious global crisis. We are all wondering how far this will go and how it will affect our businesses. We are all searching for expert opinions on this topic in order to get the answers we seek. But what we are all aware of, is that panicking won’t make it stop. We need to switch our mindsets to rational thinking. 

We at Appetite believe what the world needs most now is humanity. Helping one another will at least bring us a sparkle of positivity, hope, and courage to fight this crisis with sapience. 

Therefore, our team put together a few links and documents to help you and your business.  


  1. Find out what are furloughed workers, the meaning of 'furlough', and UK coronavirus measures for employees work.

  2. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme” - Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, all UK employers will be able to access support to continue paying part of their employees’ salary for those employees that would otherwise have been laid off during this crisis.
    You can also find frequent Q&A on the topic, and the official Furlough Agreement.

  3. Find out how to set up a payment plan for your taxes with HMRC.

  4. What to focus on in the time of crisis, how to manage your cash flow and much more.

  5. Win Without Pitching’s “Three Steps to Surviving and Thriving in a Crisis”.

  6. Baldwin’s “Business Guidance”.

  7. "The Social Element" discussion between a few speakers about companies, organisations, communication during the crisis. You will find some bits and pieces more than relevant.
  8. Twitter has curated a page of brand responses to Covid-19.

  9. A "CEO checklist" (six urgent priorities) described in detail - a very useful read for every CEO struggling because of the crisis!

  10. Appetite's "Sanity Savers" - Trying to keep sane during the lockdown but losing ideas? Our "Sanity Savers" are here to help you find interesting stuff to do while at home. 
  11. The UK government page also has important information on how they can help businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.
  12. And if you're in need of some inspiration, check out some heartfelt marketing campaigns.
  13. While we are still living in uncertain times, it is interesting to take a look a future post-covid trends.



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