
NFT in Connected Packaging: Welcome to the land of opportunities

Published by Appetite Creative

The term "land of opportunity" is familiar to most people, but these days it can be best associated with some new concepts: The Metaverse and the digital world. We take a look at intangible, but real experiences that almost any business can offer their customers to build a stronger relationship.

Imagine standing shoulder-to-shoulder with your customer and following every step, every moment, and every feeling they have about your product without you being physically present. How is this possible? By finding a solution to connect the moment of consumption with the digital world, where you can offer something enjoyable and track the customer's behaviour. Yes, we are talking about connected packaging and the interesting role of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in the future they offer businesses.

Connected packaging is a sub-concept of smart packaging,which is a current technology trend that helps brands connect physical experiences with digital experiences. You can read more about it in the article What is Connected Packaging? 

Connected experiences have opened new doors for brand storytelling and customer engagement, which are key components of an effective marketing strategy. It's a unique opportunity to create exclusive content for each customer or reward them with NFTs as a prize for their purchase. All of this can appear on a touch code printed on your packaging with conductive ink, without impacting the environment or graphic design, and can be scanned with any type of smart device.

Since NFTs are virtual and unique assets, you can easily personalize them for any target audience, which is even more influential and trendy.

On the other hand, Imagine a CSR campaign through which you can raise funds by offering a branded NFT collection that not only increases your brand awareness, but also retains your branding aims throughout the campaign without mentioning it directly.

As you can see, no matter what your goals are - from rewarding to branding - you can rely on NFTs to deliver a great connected experience through your packaging.

Connected packaging is also considered a sustainable approach to conveying information or instructions to customers without printing additional paper.

From the customer's perspective, they can easily understand whether the product is original or fresh or expired in the FMCG market without wasting a lot of time searching for the date printed on the packaging.

In conclusion, combining two modern tools - NFT and connected packaging - can create a memorable experience for your customers, especially the younger generation, who are less interested in owning products and more interested in experiences. The generation that barely allows a company to stand shoulder to shoulder with them! but you do.

Our team at Appetite Creative is ready to assist you with your future campaigns, develop connected experiences for your target audiences, and launch your NFT collection!

Please feel free to contact us!


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