
Our B2B Marketing Success Stories

Published by Appetite Creative

As we celebrate Appetite Creative’s sixth anniversary in 2021, we believe it’s important to look back and recognise some of our successful marketing stories. Some of which, led us to be named as Top B2B Company in the UK by Clutch in 2019 and 2020, as well as Top B2B Company Global in 2020. 
The last six years of work we have conducted with clients on innovative projects have given us an understanding of how B2B marketing works, and the best B2B marketing strategies for each of our clients. This allows us to tailor our marketing strategies depending on a client’s industry, objectives, and budget.
As we look at some of the best B2B marketing projects we have worked on in the past, this article will give you a great understanding of why B2B marketing is important, as well as how a professional agency can help you achieve your business goals.



Squirro: Unifying branding for increased success

As an international company specialising in cutting edge technology, Squirro realised that there was a clear mismatch between the branding they strived for, and what was perceived by their intended audiences and customers.

Squirro concluded that they needed a B2B marketing agency to alter their public branding, ensure that customers were obtaining the most from the brand’s services and enhance their customers' digital journey online.

As a result, their iconic squirrel character – which needed a new look - was rejuvenated, and adapted to the different fields of expertise of the brand; their website was optimised for SEO, and the user journey was also revisited in order to turn the page into a highly responsive and effective platform.


Their new hybrid website is now responsive, functional across all devices, and highly engaging. The end result? A tenfold increase in the number of website visitors. In addition to this, the harmony across the brand’s portfolio is now evident, as the colours displayed on the website and sales presentations are uniformed. This helps to instill confidence and professionalism in the brand.

Find out more about Squirro by clicking here.



Hitachi Vantara: A fresh look at digital branding

Hitachi Vantara is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. Their role involves guiding customers by solving their digital challenges. More than 80% of the Fortune 100 companies trust Hitachi Vantara to help them with a variety of issues. From developing new revenue streams, unlocking competitive advantages, lowering costs, enhancing their customer experiences, and even delivering social and environmental value. 

When their marketing team came to us, they had a very simple - yet singular - premise: B2B branding should be revolutionary! Appetite Creative stepped up to the challenge and created a Marvel-style comic book representing their internal manifesto. Whilst Hitachi provided the initial storyline, we brought their ideas to life by using our fantastic design team and creative flair. The end result? A unique comic book that goes further, whilst delivering an important message.

The comic was even printed physically delivering an extra impact!



Hybrid Theory: Developing a thought leader

Hybrid Theory wanted to communicate its position as an industry thought leader and expert in its field.

With that in mind, they wanted to enhance their presence on social media, increasing the number of followers and engagement on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, in line with their freshly rebranded look and feel.

To help Hybrid Theory achieve its digital goals, we stepped in providing social media management. This involved creating and publishing a wide variety of posts on topics such as:

  • Behind the scenes content called “Team by Nature” in each employee is presented to followers weekly
  • Announcements of upcoming events
  • Remarkable dates - such as the 10th anniversary of the company, to which Appetite created a celebratory video

Directing followers to Hybrid Theory’s opinion pieces on their website, supported by appealing illustrations and designs created by Appetite Creative

The engagement clicks and impressions of the posts increased across all social media channels, with LinkedIn being the platform where Hybrid Theory performed the best. Hybrid Theory saw an increase of more than 190% in both post impressions and engagement. In addition to this, they saw a 150% increase in clicks, compared to the prior 5 months. 

To know more about Hybrid Theory’s social media marketing strategy, check out the full case study.



CISCO: Unique video production

Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. The American multinational technology conglomerate develops, manufactures, and sells networking hardware, software, telecommunications equipment, and other high-technology services and products.

Cisco’s marketing team approached us with a clear vision. They wanted a professional video production agency in the UK that could produce a series of short interview clips which explained topics such as the benefits of bringing IoT to people’s lives.

To make these talking heads a little more visually interesting, we asked each contributor to ‘wipe’ their names and titles onto the screen and incorporated some dynamic motion graphics.

You can find one of the explainer videos by clicking here.



Hire professional teams - get professional treatment

Whether you’ve always wanted to re-focus your company's branding or perhaps your start-up has just launched and is looking for direction, the benefits of hiring a professional agency are clear.

Our years of experience working with clients from a variety of industries ensured that we hold the necessary tools to deliver comprehensive marketing strategies and the right results for your project.  Get in touch with us today to discuss your next project.


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