
The benefits of gamification in teaching

Published by Appetite Creative

Gamification, when talking about teaching, is the process of using games to create incentives to teach people skills and knowledge that are not usually present in non-game contexts. Through realistic game activities, users can learn vital techniques for real life.

Gamification promotes people's natural tendencies, such as competition, achievement, cooperation and charity and uses them as tools to promote learning.

As gamification leads to excellent outcomes more and more often, it is starting to get used in classrooms. Teachers are trying to integrate games into their daily teaching to take control of the decreasing attention span of their students and to motivate them to learn new topics and concepts. There are several benefits which show the great potential of gamification. The benefits:

Learn to lose:

Most of the time, pupils feel ashamed after a failure. Gamification encourages students to fail and try learning tasks again without embarrassment. Through the repetitive process of a game, losing becomes part of the fun process. Students often are more comfortable in gaming environments, making them more proactive and open to making mistakes.

⦁ More motivation:

People are more motivated to do tasks when they are combined with fun. Pushing yourself into a task is easier when you have an achievable goal instead of a fixed goal to work towards. It is essential to mention the social factor. Most people are more motivated when they can work on tasks together with others. Gamification strengthens relationships and team building. In addition, players are excited to discover new aspects of the game, for example, through role-play and exploration that lead to personal experiences.


In games, everything is precisely displayed and made visible. There is a point system, progress bars, a map with the content, or a personalised target achievement system. Students often find it difficult to see what is in front of them, so in gamification, learning becomes visible through progress indicators. Games as an exercise guarantee a clearer view of the tasks.

⦁ Instant feedback:

The students get direct feedback for their tasks, whether the job is correct or incorrect. Due to the quick resolution, wrong assignments are corrected immediately, and nothing bad is perpetuated in the long-term memory.

⦁ More engagement:

Students feel like they have ownership of their learning. Because the students enjoy what they are doing, they have no reluctance and do it voluntarily.

⦁ No limitations:

Normally, the teacher's explanations are bound to the school, to a specific place and time. Learning with games can provide students with the freedom to take classes at home or on the road.

⦁ Cognitive development:

Games promote critical thinking and problem-solving. As a result, students process better and are capable of multiple challenges. Video games improve spatial awareness, attention allocation, and mental rotation skills.

As you can see, there are many advantages to integrating gamification into everyday life. If you want to know what impact gamification can have on professional recruitment, check out this article.

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