Connected Packaging & Experiences

Tetra Pak - Games

Tetra Pak is the world's leading food processing and packaging solutions company working closely with its customers and suppliers to provide safe food.

The brand has been focusing on sustainability and working on innovative ways of incorporating it into all aspects of its processes. In this campaign, Tetra Pak wanted to inform consumers about their sustainable packaging efforts in a fun and engaging way through gamification that was both entertaining and educational.

We developed a gamification platform in a web app that was fun and educational about Tetra Pak’s sustainability efforts and practices. The themes were “Renew”, “Reduce” & “Recycle”, with 3 games related to these topics.

The games were all hosted in one URL, so every time someone visited the URL by scanning a QR code, it would randomly and automatically load a different game; guaranteeing a different experience for every visit.

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